Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Blog Location for Rutgers Unviersity Virtual Worlds

The Rutgers Virtual Worlds blog is getting it's own domain name and service. You can now find all the latest news and information at There you can find out how our adventures with the latest Open Sim environment goes in the RU Danger Grid.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A quick way to jump into Open Sim

For experimenting quickly with OpenSim I've been using the Diva Distribution,, of OpenSim and it's HyperGrid ready. With Hypergridding ready, you can have students move between sims. technically, installing OpenSim requires that your are able to install Mono and Mysql on the target servers. Guests, students, faculty, and staff would need to be created in the management interface Wifi, and you do need to make sure that the DNS configuration is just right so all the different sims can be found a
talked to properly.

If you plan to use groups you'll need to configure that feature separately. It's not an automatic feature of OpenSim, but can be enabled as a separate module.

Also, you need to make sure the Second Life client supports Open Sim
well, and is easily configurable. We've used Imprudence here at
Rutgers because when we started with OpenSim it rendered textures
properly. Best advice here is try out the viewer and make sure it sees
your content they way expect. I've used Imprudence with good success.

In terms of content you'll need to make sure that content you're
describing is available in OpenSim. In order to export from SL you
need to have creator permissions for the entire object. Additionally,
textures are not exportable with the object until Linden Lab
implements showing the permissions flag. One really good option for
content is to contact the content creators and buy their work in RL,
you can chose where you want it to go. or invite the builders in to
create work in your OpenSim. You can then save the sim information as
an OpenSim Archive (oar), and Inventory Archive (iar). Makes it easy
to get the rest of you sims up and running because you bring a new
grid online, and load the OAR file.

Lastly, my plug for content. OpenSim needs more content. If we can
generate content and put it under an Open Licences, like Apache 2.0,
and Creative Commons. We can create a body of content that can help
start other education worlds up.

--Rick Anderson (Rk Jinn)

Second Life not the only virtual world in town

My immediate reaction to the doubling of sim costs by Linden Lab the providers of Second Life:

I'm regularly approached for projects that can't afford to fit
into Second Life. So the projects that I do
there are sized for what we can afford. Because of budget issues I've
capped our land growth. I've already lost the sandbox dedicated to
students, and faculty. Now, I may be asked to shrink the foot print to
make the budget remain balanced. However, the big success of the
Rutgers project has been in visualizing future version of our
Livingston Campus. It's been used to help coordinate the stake
holders, and help the see the what they are working on. As the
architects plans get updated, so does this build.

It's a four sim build already, and scaled below the standard 1:1.5 for
Second Life. Keystone Bouchard, Ceera Murakami, and Dfox Spitteler all
have done excellent work there. To do the entire campus it would be 16
sims. So the plan is to build the entire campus in OpenSim, and port
to second Life the elements that represent the vision of the new
campus the best. Current status, the 4 sims in SL have been ported
Open Sim. Clean up, and expansion of project is next.

I really want to show off this amazing work to the SL community. But
we already show only a portion. I now may have to show rest in
miniature. But remember the prim count doesn't care how big or small a prim is.

--Rick Anderson (Rk Jinn)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Virtual Livingston Campus in Second Life used for planning

I was asked in an interview earlier this summer had the model of the future version of Livingston Campus had an impact on the decision process for the new campus. The answer is yes it has. The impact has occurred in several ways. The kick off event Rutgers Day allowed the Rutgers Community, and the community at large got walk through and see the first vision of the campus in context. Over the summer Upward Bound students got see many of the buildings that could be their dorms , student center, and dining hall if they choose to live on Livingston Campus.

The future version of Livingston Campus has been used in two key meetings about the business school being built on Livingston Campus. The model was used to provide context for the all of the 2D materials being discussed. The stakeholders in the process were able to see the building in context, understand the space around their building, and for instance get an idea of where the exits and entrances would be located. What are they likely to see in different vantage points. Begin to get an idea of the landscaping, and what it would be like to walk around the building and campus.

This effort also highlighted to me areas that would help expand that conversation. For instance the functional, and budgetary space requirements have changed, and the stakeholder will be making decisions that will revise the building and affect the interior of the space. Then the architects will revise their architectural plans. Once available, I'll be able to update the model of the campus and visualize the most current version of the building to help visually facilitate the conversation, planning, and impact of the new design, and eventually the interior when the plans are ready.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Whirlwind of Opportunity after the SLCC event

Lot's of new news to blog about. Attended the Second Life Community Conference and made some connections across all spectrum of projects, and communities. There is opportunity to build out a Higher Education Virtual Worlds Grid. This can be done with the needs of educators first and economy second. However, there are plenty of governance issues, and the standard intellectual property problems. Will VWRAP be able to help resolve them? Until that is know it's clear that grid by grid agreements and policies would be the way to go. A framework we could follow and implement would be nice. I'm hoping we can work this out. I'll blog more about this soon.

Also, for data portability issues and owner issues, it's clear that until a clean import/export process is updated to by Second Life, our content will be developed first in OpenSim and then ported over to Second Life. Lot's more news to come on that.

Lastly, for today, with 0.70 version of OpenSim it's much easier to run your own servers. I'm expecting to run multiple world designed for their use case. If it's a grant that needs to have all data private and firewalled, that can be arranged. If it's a new downtown, or a multi-campus project that can be arranged too without have to remove the previous worlds. Finally, it's really nice to be able to have object archive files that store a world that you can reload later.

So much more to talk about. Check back in. More news soon.

--Rick (Rk Jinn)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Rutgers Day, Huge Success!

Rutgers Day was a huge success. This was possible because of the hard work that everyone involved in the project did in Second Life and Real Life. Additionally, a community of encouragement, and support is needed recognize the value of good works. The Rutgers Community, the New Jersey communty, and the Second Life community did that. For all the hard work a giant personal heartfelt thank you to all of you!

To add some perspective to the success, here is a sampling of the public recognition we received:

Star Ledger: Rutgers Day draws thousands, gives glimpses into the future and past

The hundreds of programs, exhibits, performances and food outlets that drew 75,000 people to Rutgers Day on campuses in New Brunswick and Piscataway today were meant to be seen, heard, touched and tasted, but one of the most popular demonstrations for the university’s popular day of show and tell was a virtual, futuristic experience.

A three-dimensional rendering of the future Livingston Campus in Piscataway offered visitors a virtual glimpse of the projected new buildings and grounds through the eyes of an avatar that flies to the different locations. The interactive program is part of Second Life, the largest user-created 3-D world community on the Internet.

"It’s definitely cool to see it all put together," said Joe Catalano, a senior Finance major at Rutgers. "It’s so modern looking. Now I want to see it in person."

The Daily Targum: Rutgers Day brings in thousands to campus-wide event

The day drew about 75,000 people into the more than 100 programs that looked into the University’s past, present and future. The program was free and open to the public. While only in its second year, this year’s Rutgers Day was differed from last year. Not only did it include Livingston campus, which was closed down for Rutgers Day last year due to construction, but it also gave visitors a sneak peek at the University’s future plans for the campus.

TEN Arquitectos design for Rutgers Business School prototyped in Second Life and OpenSim (machinima)

Rutgers Day: Visit a Virtual Rutgers

Every year we have topped what was done the year before. I'm looking forward to doing that again next year. In the mean time we have generated the opportunity to reach more amazing heights.

Thank You All!
--Rick Anderson (Rk Jinn)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Count down to Rutgers Day

Rutgers Day is this Saturday. Five days an counting. People in Second Life have had the chance to watch the Livingston Campus buildings being built in the air. Land pop in and out of existence. Well, it's all snapping together for Rutgers Day. Feel free to visit us at the Livingston Student Center real life or in Second Life.

I'm very excited to announce that we've been featured at Rutgers Today. This article has gone out to all faculty and staff at the University. Here's a quick link to the interview:

The Rutgers Community will be visiting Rutgers University through our physical computing lab at the Livingston Student Center. We'll have several people on hand to help orient them to Second Life and get a chance to view the new Livingston Campus. Those visiting in SL can walk, and fly through the area and meet people from the Rutgers Community. We will have the ringing of the Rutgers Bell again in Second Life at the Old Queens building. There will be a real world installation with a touch screen where the Rutgers Community can come through and ring the bell. So the Rutgers Bell will ringing all day long for and in virtual Rutgers University.

--Rick Anderson (Rk Jinn)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rutgers Day is coming April 24th

The big push to show the future of the Livingston Campus is under way. We're preparing to show the newest and most exciting parts of the Livingston Campus to the world. We will be located in the real life, (RL) Livingston Student Collaborative Learning area. There will be Second Life versions of the future campus shown on several over head projects, and have systems set up in an open lab style so people can walk, run, fly around the new areas, and explore virtual Rutgers University as a community.

The Old Queens Campus build represents the beautiful past, and tradition of Rutgers University. For a quick over view and history check out the Wikipedia article on Old Queens. For Rutgers Day we will have real life ringing of the virtual Old Queens Bell. This allows hundreds of people to get the experience without putting wear and tear on the real one. This ringing is an accurate reproduction of the sound inside and outside the real building. So what is heard in the virtual world is the same as you would hear in the real.

Rutgers Day for us is three events. We'll be in the Old Queens building directly across from the real bell. We'll be a the Livingston Student Center Collaborative Learning room, and of course we'll be in Second Life.

If you want to get started checking the campus out early. I recommend going to you can get started there the instructions there will get you to speed and get you to our virtual visitor center in Second Life. If you already have Second Life, I recommend going to this Slurl, will place you in the center of the Old Queens Campus. From there in addition to the bell I recommend wandering through the Kirkpatrick Chapel.

I'm always interested in your feedback so either comment here, or find me in Second Life as Rk Jinn. I'll will be posting updates as we get closer to Rutgers Day.

--Rick Anderson (Rk Jinn)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rutgers Sim Emergency Resolution

I'm now on a mission to find ways to back up and archive virtual assets for the future. The current Rutgers University build does have the group and owner permissions set so that we can back up our assets and move them to OpenSim as needed. If there was a service available through Linden Lab that allowed us to pay for sim backup and restoration I would sign up in a minute. This would eliminate the current dilemma, of having a sim created without the correct group, and ownership permissions.

It's really unfortunate that a single budgetary decision or practical decision can wipe out untold hours of work and effort by many people. I did reach out to the stake holders, and spent valuable time giving people the opportunity for feedback. I've examined the sim with multiple people across Second Life. We've looked at it technically to determine if backing up to Open Sim would be an option. It is not. Even if a technical solution was available permissions and copyright issues cannot be obtained to make it possible.

We're taking the option to return the objects to owner and reuse the sim in the future version of Livingston Campus. I will be making effort to find places across our current sim to integrate the ideas of the OIRT sim into our full Rutgers University Virtual World. I'm looking forward to working with those stake holders to bring the entire Rutgers Second Life environment to a new level of quality, and commitment to virtual world best practices. The items will be returned to owner at 2pm EST, April 29th, 2010.

--Rick Anderson (Rk Jinn)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sim Land Emergency Follow UP

I've been meeting with people through out the Rutgers University community about the OIRT and instructor sims. I've been getting some great feedback. The proposed plan is being revised based on it. So far it's clear the scale needs to increase to take advantage of the space relationships in Second Life. This has to be balanced by the land available. Also, it makes more sense to really show case the newest and most interesting elements of the Future of Livingston in Second Life. This means taking some liberties with the physical geography. An 8 sim build can't really fit into a 2 sim build.

The feedback from the OIRT group about the OIRT sim is that they are OK with returning the objects to the owners and allowing for the sim to be reused. However, it was one of the first two efforts to represent Rutgers University in Second LIfe. I'm reaching out the University Libraries to find out if they have an archival interest in the sim, and if they are able to archive it in RUCore. Additionally, I'm also reaching out the Duraspace project to see what they think of archiving 3D objects and builds. This should really be an interesting conversation I'm hope blog about the results soon.

So plans are still be considered, input is highly appreciated, and I will get back to you all here about what's happening.

--Rick Anderson (Rk Jinn)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sim land management emergency

A bit dramatic, but accurate. The Future Livingston Campus Creation project needs more space in order to be done at the correct scale. Also, we have an incredibly short build time everything has to be done by the beginning of the week of April 24th If there was a cost effective way to get more land this wouldn't be necessary. Additionally, homesteads cannot be used because the prim count of the buildings we're creating.

Our only option is to use the land of RUCE 5 and the OIRT sims in order to complete the build out properly, to retain consistent scale, and qualitiy. For RUCE 5 we're going to make available Open Sim. We have at least 16 sims in that environment we can use. So for short term projects that need sim space for building, terraforming we'll will help facilitate the use of Rutgers Open Sim for that. We will be able to get another instructor/student RUCE 5 sim, but not immediately. Ron Fest, (Ron Ghostaltar) will be facilitate account creation for that environment.

The OIRT sim has a problem. Group owner ship settings are not set to the land owner or a land group. The best I can do is take photos and video of the sim, and the return the objects to the original owners. This is very unfortunate because of the number of good ideas embodied in the space. I do want to support that effort, but we'll have to work on integrating it into the entire set of sims. If you are an owner of any of the objects in that space let me know ASAP.

I'm sending this note out as wide and far as I can. If anyone has any feedback on this issue. Get it to me by the end of the day Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rutgers Day 2010, Virtual Future Livingston Campus

Big news. Rutgers Day is going to be large in the virtual world and the real world. Dr. Ray Caprio has asked us to build out the future Livingston Campus. This is approximately a 10 sim build. The first two sims are going to debut in our Second Life environment. The entire 1:1 scale build will be built in Open Sim, unless their is a cost effective way to bring it into Second Life directly.

So hold the date April 24, for Rutgers Day 2010.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Virtual Rutgers Major Updates

Some significant changes have come to the Rutgers University Virtual world. The Rutgers OIRT Sim is now part of the the Rutgers University sim area. We are now a united Rutgers University in the virtual world. We will be providing the in world support and management for students and instructors in that space. There have been some changes to the map, and naming that we all need to be aware of. If you search for "Rutgers University" in the map you will now be teleported to the visitor center and orientation area for Virtual Rutgers. If want to go directly to the OIRT sim you can search the map for "Rutgers OIRT."

Virtual Livingston Campus

Ron and I just met with the Rutgers Facilities Planning and Development group about virtual Livingston Campus. In the next few weeks we will be generating a project plan that adds two more sims to Virtual Rutgers, and adds some of the current and future buildings that will be part of the Livingston Campus. Our plan is to show the now and future Livingston Campus to the world.