Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Second Life not the only virtual world in town

My immediate reaction to the doubling of sim costs by Linden Lab the providers of Second Life:

I'm regularly approached for projects that can't afford to fit
into Second Life. So the projects that I do
there are sized for what we can afford. Because of budget issues I've
capped our land growth. I've already lost the sandbox dedicated to
students, and faculty. Now, I may be asked to shrink the foot print to
make the budget remain balanced. However, the big success of the
Rutgers project has been in visualizing future version of our
Livingston Campus. It's been used to help coordinate the stake
holders, and help the see the what they are working on. As the
architects plans get updated, so does this build.

It's a four sim build already, and scaled below the standard 1:1.5 for
Second Life. Keystone Bouchard, Ceera Murakami, and Dfox Spitteler all
have done excellent work there. To do the entire campus it would be 16
sims. So the plan is to build the entire campus in OpenSim, and port
to second Life the elements that represent the vision of the new
campus the best. Current status, the 4 sims in SL have been ported
Open Sim. Clean up, and expansion of project is next.

I really want to show off this amazing work to the SL community. But
we already show only a portion. I now may have to show rest in
miniature. But remember the prim count doesn't care how big or small a prim is.

--Rick Anderson (Rk Jinn)

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